Millions of people suffer from combination skin, which can be difficult to manage.

If you're one of the millions of people who deal with combination skin, then you know that it can be a real pain to find the right skincare routine.

We've put together a list of 5 do's and 5 don'ts for combination skin based on the latest skincare research. Follow these tips, and you'll be on your way to clear, healthy skin in no time.

5 Do's for Combination Skin

If you have combination skin, you know the feeling of having oily areas in some spots and dry patches in others—it’s like your skin can’t make up its mind. But don't worry; with a few simple tips and tricks, you can learn how to properly care for your combination skin.

Do: Moisturize Regularly

Moisturizing your face is essential no matter what type of skin you have. But if you have combination skin, it can be hard to find a moisturizer that works for both dry and oily areas.

The key is to look for a light, oil-free formula that will hydrate without clogging pores or leaving behind a greasy residue.

We have carefully selected the best moisturizer for combination skin. We recommend you use it.

CETAPHIL Daily Hydrating Lotion

CETAPHIL Daily Hydrating Lotion is an ideal choice for those with combination and sensitive skin looking for an effective moisturizer. This fast-absorbing, lightweight, non-greasy lotion instantly hydrates and locks in moisture for up to 24 hours, providing the long-lasting hydration that your skin needs. Formulated with Hyaluronic acid and powerful moisturizing agents, this product also won't clog pores. It contains no added fragrances and is clinically tested to be gentle on sensitive skin, making it perfect for those concerned about irritation.

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Do: Tone Daily

Toning your face helps remove excess dirt and oils from the surface of your skin while also restoring pH balance.

When choosing an appropriate toner for combination skin, look for something that contains natural ingredients like witch hazel or rosewater—they'll help keep both oily and dry areas balanced without irritating the delicate area around your eyes or causing redness.

Do: Exfoliate Twice Weekly

Exfoliating twice each week will help slough off dead skin cells and reveal brighter, smoother-looking skin beneath.

Try using a gentle scrub with small particles so as not to irritate sensitive areas while still getting rid of those pesky flakes on drier parts of the face.

Just be sure not to overdo it; exfoliating too often can lead to further irritation or breakouts.

Paula's Choice Pore-Reducing Toner

Give your skin a pore-clearing boost with Paula's Choice Pore-Reducing Toner. The toner is specifically formulated to reduce signs of aging as well as blackheads and enlarged pores for smoother, more youthful-looking skin. Active ingredients such as hydrating ceramides and antioxidants help to diminish the appearance of oily areas while balancing and protecting the skin, making it ideal for those with combination or blemish-prone skin. Incorporate this power-packed product into your day or night routine to reduce pores and give a healthy boost to your complexion.

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Do: Apply Sunscreen Every Day

Sunscreen isn't just important during summer months—you should apply it every day regardless of what season it is.

Look for an SPF 30+ that's oil-free and non-comedogenic (aka won't clog pores). This will help protect against UV damage that could cause premature aging in all areas of the face.

Do: Treat With Spot Treatments As Needed

For those pesky pimples popping up on oily areas, try using spot treatments with salicylic acid instead of harsh drying agents like benzoyl peroxide, which could further irritate already dry skin patches.

Salicylic acid helps unclog pores and reduce acne-causing bacteria without stripping away necessary moisture from other parts of the face.

5 Don'ts for Combination Skin

Here are the top five things you should avoid if you have combination skin. Read on to find out what those things are.

Don't: Use Harsh Products

If there is one rule that reigns supreme when it comes to combination or acne-prone skin, it is this one: do not use harsh products on your skin.

Harsh products can damage your delicate complexion and strip away essential oils from your face, leaving it feeling tight, dry, and uncomfortable.

Avoid any products containing alcohol or harsh chemicals such as benzoyl peroxide or salicylic acid. Instead, opt for gentle cleansers and moisturizers specifically designed for combination skin types. Use the product on which combination skin written on the packaging.

Don't: Over-Exfoliate

Exfoliation is an essential part of any skin care routine, but be careful not to overdo it with combination skin types.

Over-exfoliating can damage the delicate balance of your complexion by stripping away natural oils and leaving it feeling dry and irritated.

Stick to gently exfoliating once a week with a product specifically formulated for your skin type. Keep in mind that, generally, the T zone (forehead, nose, and chin) is more prone to oiliness.

Don't: Use Products High in Essential Oils

Essential oils may sound like a natural and healthy choice for your skin, but they can actually be quite damaging for combination complexions.

Many essential oils are comedogenic, meaning they clog pores and can lead to breakouts in oily areas. Instead of reaching for products with essential oils, look for ones containing natural ingredients like rosehip oil, jojoba oil, or squalene.

Don't: Over Wash

It may seem like washing your face more often will help control oiliness, but in fact, this couldn’t be further from the truth.

Overwashing can actually strip away essential oils from your face leading to dryness and irritation, which could worsen existing acne breakouts or even cause new ones to form.

Stick to washing twice a day – once in the morning and once at night – with a gentle cleanser specifically designed for your skin type.

Don't: Use Soap-Based Cleansers

Soap-based cleansers are too harsh for combination skin, as they can strip away natural oils from the face and leave it feeling tight and dry.

These products are also alkaline, which will throw off your skin’s delicate pH balance that helps to keep your complexion healthy.

Instead, look for a gentle cleanser specifically designed for combination skin that won't leave your face feeling stripped or dry.

Do's and Don'ts for Combination Skin - FAQs

Taking care of combination skin can be tricky. Oily in some areas and dry in others, it can be hard to find the right balance. Here are some FAQs that will help you get on the right path.

Is it important to use a cleanser specifically designed for combination skin?

Yes, it is important to use a cleanser specifically designed for combination skin. A helpful cleanser will gently cleanse your oily parts without drying out the rest. However, if you don’t have access to a cleanser specifically made for combination skin, it is best to moisturize after cleansing either way.

What type of moisturizer should I use?

When choosing a moisturizer, opt for something lightweight and non-comedogenic (which means it won’t clog your pores). Applying too much moisturizer might result in breakouts due to over-hydrating the oily parts of your face, so be sure not to overdo it.

You can also give your skin a light massage; it will calm overactive sebaceous glands and oily t zone.

How often should I exfoliate?

It is recommended that those with combination skin exfoliate once or twice a week using an exfoliating product specifically designed for their needs. Use glycerin and hyaluronic acid products.

This will help clear away dead skin cells from both the dry and oily portions of your face while avoiding breakouts and other problems caused by abrupt changes in moisture levels on different parts of your face.

What about makeup products?

Makeup products are great if used correctly, but it’s important to choose wisely when dealing with combination or flaky skin because some products can worsen the condition or make up worse instead of better.

For example, oily foundations can clog pores and cause more excess oil production than necessary, so go for a foundation that is specifically labeled “oil-free” or “non-comedogenic” instead.

Should I skip sunscreen if my face is feeling too greasy?

No. Sunscreen should be worn every day regardless of how greasy your face feels because UV rays damage both our dry and oily areas alike.

For those with combination or oily skin, choose sunscreens labeled “oil-free" or "noncomedogenic," as these formulas won't contribute extra grease while protecting you from damaging rays.


Combination skin is a tricky thing to deal with, but with the right knowledge and products, it’s possible to keep your face looking healthy and glowing.

By following the do's and don'ts outlined in this article, you’ll be well on your way to managing combination skin health more effectively. Now go forth and maintain that beautiful complexion.

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Manal Z.
Author Manal Z.

Immersed in the world of fashion, beauty, and wellness. Her writing reflects her passion exploring trends, endorsing sustainable products, and healthy lifestyle.

Immersed in the world of fashion, beauty, and wellness. Her writing reflects her passion exploring trends, endorsing sustainable products, and healthy lifestyle.